#060: Book Club 11. Religion, Business, Introverts and Trailblazers

Today you’ll hear about 4 different books. From our last four guests on the podcast : Darby Vannier, Claire Brittain, Victoria Pelletier, Margaret Mary O’Connor

You’ll have to listen to match the book to the person :) 

What you’ll hear about:

  • Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

  • Let it Go by Dame Stephanie Shirley 

  • Quiet by Susan Cain

  • What they don’t teach you in Catholic College. Women in the priesthood and the mind of Christ by John Wijngaards 


#061: Get out of your head: Tough love, managing expectations and the importance of using your personal story


#059: Keep questioning. Get out of your comfort zone, stand up for what you believe and women in the priesthood