#062: Prioritising yourself. Commitment, true authenticity, being your own hero and owning the room

I’m super excited to chat with Michelle Kuei today. Michelle is your go-to coach in Visibility Marketing and a wizard at content and email marketing strategies. 

She’s the founder of Elevate LifeCoaching, where she's all about helping

Female coaches turn their passion into a thriving business. Her journey has taken her from playing small with physical disability to hiking Machu Picchu, and now, she's a rising star in the marketing world. Michelle is the kind of person who not only knows her stuff but also knows how to make a real connection and light up a room. 

What you’ll hear about:

  • Most of us walk around thinking we’re authentic when we’re not

  • Authenticity has to embody truly who you are

  • The hard lesson of acceptance

  • Body shaming

  • The importance of hitting rock bottom to motivate you

  • Self-reflection

  • Putting yourself as the priority

  • Recognising the small wins from being dedicated

  • A pivotal moment in asking for help

  • Everyone of us has a Hero inside

  • Owning the room

  • Having commitment for yourself

  • 5 step confidence process

  • The importance of belonging

Weekly Challenge : Find one thing that makes you forget about the time and you can indulge in

Power of Music : Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes


Michelle’s LinkedIN

Michelle’s Instagram

Elevate Life Coaching Website


#063: Life is too short to be boring! Leverage community, compassion and creating a safe harbour for teams to fail


#061: Get out of your head: Tough love, managing expectations and the importance of using your personal story