#016: Dream big. Learnings on how to support you in making your dreams a reality

This week I will take on another solo show. With the aim to support you in getting towards some ambitious outcomes in 2023.   

What you’ll hear about:

  • 6 tips to support you in your dreams

    • Have a clear outcome for the year

    • Sanity check it’s your outcome

    • Where are you today

    • Who or what do you need around you

    • Is it ambitious, yet realistic

    • What is a small step you can take today 

Weekly Challenge : Set your outcome for 2023


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#017 : Cultural Authenticity. The importance of support networks, creating safe spaces and the need for companies to be brave to take a first step forward 


#015: Book Club 3. Autobiographies, Pulitzer finalists and Insights to live your life by