#026: Allyship: Shifting the burden, the importance of culture and dropping the mask

This week I spoke to Dan Cornell. Dan is a Managing Consultant at PA Consulting helping his clients embrace organisational agility in the Defence & Security sector. He has a keen interest in how teams come together to respond to change and volatility and how diversity and inclusion improves that ability. 

He also leads PA's Global Pride network building equity for LGBTQ+ people in PA and beyond. Dan's work in Equity and Inclusion also extends in his own community supporting the Nottinghamshire LGBT Network, a charity supporting LGBT+ people in Notts and the surrounding area. 

His background is in Software engineering and data science and he lives in Nottingham with his partner and their dog.

What you’ll hear about:

  • You can’t have agility and innovation with diversity of thought

  • Inclusion is critical to authenticity

  • Culture is core to inclusion 

  • The requirement for allyship at a leadership level

  • Move the burden off the under represented group

  • Allyship requires activism

  • Privilege is the opportunity to learn about bias rather than living it

Weekly Challenge : Consider the masks you're wearing at work 

Power of Music : Nobody - Half-alive


Dan’s LinkedIN

Notts LGBT+ Network


#027 : Book Club 5. Presidents, Rebels and Soul searching


#025: Living with Intent: Learning rejection, agreeing to disagree and building an everyday practice