#027 : Book Club 5. Presidents, Rebels and Soul searching

Today you’ll hear about 4 different books. Three from our last four guests on the podcast  : Mark Agnew, J-Ney Antique,  Renee Dineen and Dan Cornell. 

You’ll have to listen to match the book to the person :) 

What you’ll hear about:

  • The Arrogance of Power : The Secret World of Richard Nixon by Anthony Summers 

  • Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed

  • The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

  • The God of small things by Arundhati Roy


#028: Spinning Plates: Overcoming guilt, time-boxing, being adaptable in a VUCA world and feeling able to let it go!


#026: Allyship: Shifting the burden, the importance of culture and dropping the mask