#034: Your USP is YOU! Creating a life by my design and enjoying glorious spaciousness 

This week I share an insightful conversation I had with Jenn Fenwick. Leaders say that working with Jenn is like rocket fuel; she is a coach - sounding board & protector of headspace to leaders all across the globe. Her absolute sweet spot is working with leaders to nail their first 90 days in new roles and set themselves up for success.  

Jenn has spent 19 years working in STEM, supporting 1000s of people as they take bold steps in their careers.  From working with first time managers to  first time CEO's, supporting tech startups in hyper growth phase to Fortune 500s, she's pretty much seen it all. 

The most rewarding and challenging role she has ever had is that of mum to 3 yr old twins who keep her on her toes constantly.

What you’ll hear about:

  • The need to create time and space to think

  • The impact of burnout

  • Don’t let your thoughts drive behaviour

  • We do leaders need to be in this next evolution of their career

  • Underestimating the stress and challenge of the first 90/180 days in a new role

  • Finding flow when you have the culture to be embarrassed as yourself

  • Your USP (unique selling point) is YOU!! 

Weekly Challenge : Make time on your calendar to look at what the next chapter looks like for you in life 

Power of Music : Anna begins - Counting Crows


Jenn’s LinkedIN

Jenn Fenwick’s website


#035: Shared moments of vulnerability, saying yes and creating an environment where people feel loved


#033: Book Club 6. Chimps, Psychopaths, Ambition and Resilience