#033: Book Club 6. Chimps, Psychopaths, Ambition and Resilience

Today you’ll hear about 4 different books. From our last four guests on the podcast : Jen Gilhoi, Rachael Griffin, Karen Jean-Francois, Kim Hacquoil 

You’ll have to listen to match the book to the person :) 

What you’ll hear about:

  • The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters

  • The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson

  • Unapologetically Ambitious by Shellye Archambeau

  • The Wedge: Evolution, Consciousness, Stress and the Key to Human Resilience by  Scott Carney


#034: Your USP is YOU! Creating a life by my design and enjoying glorious spaciousness 


#032: Alcohol-Free: Setting the right tone, removing the glamour of alcohol and providing forgiveness and grace