#042: Extreme Ownership: Living two lives, removing what isn’t serving you and realising the common denominator is you!

This week I share an insightful conversation I had with Derek Newborn. Derek has been a teenage father, a construction worker, a personal trainer, a fitness model, and a business owner.  He describes himself as having been a liar, a cheater, a back stabber, and a narcissist. Through his trials, tribulations, and downfalls he has learned that it’s never too late to turn your life around. 

 He now dedicates his time to helping victims of narcissists gain back control in their own lives through the newborn blueprint. 

What you’ll hear about:

  • The more success he had on the outside the more self sabotage he was doing on the inside

  • Living two lives

  • Self-reflection

  • The common denominator in all my problems was myself

  • Needing someone to meet you at rock bottom

  • Recognising you have the opportunity to change everything from today!

  • Asking for help

  • Taking extreme ownership

  • The impact of social media

  • Removing the things which aren’t serving young

  • Being my most authentic allows me to be my most vulnerable

Weekly Challenge : Write down everything that you tell yourself when things go wrong in your life. On the opposite side, write down the positive alternate statement. 

Power of Music : Fighting by Tyler Joe Miller


the Newborn blueprint

@dnewborn on Instagram


#043: The power of creativity: Choosing laughter, refinding your childhood dreams and knowing your value


#041: Taking control. Stammering, being in prison and not letting things define you