#041: Taking control. Stammering, being in prison and not letting things define you

This week I share an insightful conversation I had with Sean BW Parker. Sean is a British writer, artist and academic in art, cultural theory and justice reform. He lived in Istanbul for ten years until 2014 where he lectured at Istanbul University, and gave a TEDx talk 'Stammering and Creativity'. 

He has published or contributed to a number of books, won six Koestler Arts awards (including a platinum for his play The Wolfstadt-Wire) and a Perrie Lectures essay award in 2019. 

Sean is Editor of False Allegations Watch, for the Empower the Innocent organisation.  

What you’ll hear about:

  • The enigma of stammering

  • Stammering Pride

  • Accepting your disfluency

  • Taking control and being open to talk about your speech impediment

  • Turning internal language processing into creativity

  • Balancing a state of aspiration and integrity

  • Being pragmatic through changing a name

  • R is the hardest letter to pronounce in the English language

  • Finding community while in prison

  • Keeping strong to maintain your innocence 

  • Not letting things define you and putting it down as another chapter in your life

Weekly Challenge : Reach out with curiosity to someone you know with a speech impediment to learn more.

Power of Music : Don’t believe the hype by Public Enemy


Sean’s LinkedIN

Sean’s Youtube

TED X Sean BW Parker Stammering and Creativity

Stamma Org


#042: Extreme Ownership: Living two lives, removing what isn’t serving you and realising the common denominator is you!


#040: Dark Drivers. Understanding your belief systems, building empathy and choosing who drives your bus