#010: Depression. Emotions, the importance of fulfilment and a journey of restoration

This week I have Dr. Ardeshir Mehran with me. Ardeshir is a pioneering psychologist, leadership coach, and a business mentor. His first book You are not depressed, you are unfinished comes out next year.  

What you’ll hear about:

  • The emotional bill of rights

  • How the field of psychology/psychotherapy/psychiatry is changing

  • How we previously thought of mentoring, coaching and emotions needs to change 

  • Transforming how we think about emotions

  • Gaps in our thinking about how we think about who we are

  •  7 experiences we are supposed to have in our lives for fulfilment

  • What is the story you want to leave behind?

  • The importance of voice projection and deep breathing

  • How your emotional state can spread positively and negatively to others around you without anyone being aware

  • His personal experience with depression and curiosity to understand why people are depressed or anxious

  • We need to stop chasing symptoms, consider a journey of restoration  

Weekly Challenge : Be a witness for those around you

Power of Music : Sara Bareilles - She used to be mine


Ardeshir’s LinkedIN

Human Work Studio

The Emotional Bill of Rights eBook


#011: Book Club 2. Observations on life, war and a lot of books made into movies


#009 Authenticity practice: What is Authenticity? Authenticity in context and some tips to get your practice going