#018 : Connecting. Getting out of your comfort zone, holding people accountable and reconnecting with your past.

This week I share a great conversation I had with Brenda Harrington. Brenda is the founder of Adaptive Leadership Strategies LLC, and the author of ACCESS DENIED: Addressing Workplace Disparities and Discrimination. As a Certified Executive Coach, she works with leaders globally across a variety of sectors to help them develop the professional habits needed for them to achieve their goals.  

What you’ll hear about:

  • Trying to fit into an archetype not your own limits your impact

  • The importance of building relationships and appreciating people for who they are

  • The continuum between influence and authority

  • The need to create a space of psychological safety for people to be confident to be their whole selves

  • Gaining confidence by taking small steps into something new

  • The importance of starting meaningful conversations

  • We have to move away from thinking of diversity, equity and inclusion as a tick-box exercise

  • Being aware you can’t mandate how people feel, their values and beliefs

  • Companies need to hold people accountable for desired and expected behaviour

  • Having  diversity does not automatically assume inclusion 

  • Finding your not alone through story

  • Using story to get out ouf your own head and try different approaches

  • Setting the right expectations for yourself

  • Taking ownership and thinking strategically about what you have the power over to do differently

  • Get out of your comfort zone

Weekly Challenge : Do something which makes you uncomfortable and find comfort in being uncomfortable

Power of Music : I Wish - Stevie Wonder

Brenda’s LinkedIN


#019 : Confidence. Standing up for yourself, the importance of being a mentor and mental health in the Tech industry


#017 : Cultural Authenticity. The importance of support networks, creating safe spaces and the need for companies to be brave to take a first step forward