#008 Superpowers : Self-awareness, our contributions and what is “normal”?
After experiencing his second redundancy Carl Emerson decided to set-up his own business InsideOut Solutions. He shares his thoughts on the importance of self-reflection and being able to listen to others and how this can help to unlock our understanding of different views and experiences of the world. Which can shine a lot on what our individual superpowers are. I'm excited to find out mine!
What you’ll hear about:
Challenges in being fully authentic in large corporate organisations
What is said and what is expected is not always aligned
Reacting to the context, being appropriate within the context while aligning with your values
The importance of communication
The questions behind the question
Working with the energy around you
Awareness about differences in cultures
Team diversity and inclusion is slowly shifting
We have to be the change – change the system and we ourselves are making an impact
Build self-awareness
How we contribute and how others contribute are different to us
What is “normal”?
Finding your superpower
Being in situations that make you uncomfortable allows you to tap into new resources you didn’t know existed
Weekly Challenge : Try a new way of communicating this week
Power of Music : At the edge - Sticky Little Fingers