#008 Superpowers : Self-awareness, our contributions and what is “normal”?

After experiencing his second redundancy Carl Emerson decided to set-up his own business InsideOut Solutions. He shares his thoughts on the importance of self-reflection and being able to listen to others and how this can help to unlock our understanding of different views and experiences of the world. Which can shine a lot on what our individual superpowers are. I'm excited to find out mine!   

What you’ll hear about:

  • Challenges in being fully authentic in large corporate organisations

  • What is said and what is expected is not always aligned

  • Reacting to the context, being appropriate within the context while aligning with your values

  • The importance of communication 

  • The questions behind the question

  • Working with the energy around you

  • Awareness about differences in cultures

  • Team diversity and inclusion is slowly shifting

  • We have to be the change – change the system and we ourselves are making an impact

  • Build self-awareness

  • How we contribute and how others contribute are different to us

  • What is “normal”?

  • Finding your superpower

  • Being in situations that make you uncomfortable allows you to tap into new resources you didn’t know existed

Weekly Challenge : Try a new way of communicating this week

Power of Music : At the edge - Sticky Little Fingers


Carl’s LinkedIN

InsideOut Solutions website


#009 Authenticity practice: What is Authenticity? Authenticity in context and some tips to get your practice going


#007 Life Balance : Your purpose, co-leadership and acting what you want to be