#003 : Be the change you want to see. Embrace coaching, wholeness, self-reflection and sticking to your core values

In this episode we speak to Timm Urschinger who is one of the founding members of Live Sciences and co-creator of Teal around the World. In this episode we tap into Timm’s experience on some of the advantages and watch-outs for companies moving to newer ways of working e.g. Agile, Teal.  

What you’ll hear about:

  • What is leadership - “Every problem can boil down to a leadership problem”

  • The key role a coach can play in your development

  • Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable self-reflecting

  • The importance of finding people who help you feel and act brave

  • Shared values

  • A catalyst for cultural changes needs to come from organisational structures and processes

  • Be kind. People take time to adapt to change especially if large culture shifts and ways of working

  • One potential step forward to building a more open and speak up culture is to look at how you’re doing performance reviews

  • Everyone is biassed 

  • Authenticity does not mean sharing everything! You have a choice. 

  • The importance of staying true to your core values

  • How Teal around the World is bringing together all sectors interested in a proressive way of working to share experiences and support and learn from each other 

Weekly Challenge : When someone triggers an emotional response in you this way. Self-reflect on why.   

Power of Music : A Queen anthem - The show must go on


Timm’s LinkedIN

LiveSciences website

Teal around the world website


#004: The Butterfly Effect. Thinking non-linearly, speaking up and how to bring the best out in others


#002 : Being yourself is a choice. Ambition versus intuition, courage and creating feedback cultures