#002 : Being yourself is a choice. Ambition versus intuition, courage and creating feedback cultures

I spoke to Dewi Kuipers this week, kicking off with some amazing advice her mum gave her as a young girl that’s shaped how she has shown up authentically through-out her life. Dewi is a HR manager and Gallup certified strengths coach who has broad leadership experience from her work at a variety of global fast growing companies such as OnLogic and West Coast Supply Group.

What you’ll hear about:

  • Everyone’s journey to authenticity is unique

  • You’re in charge. You never have to do something you don’t want to

  • Not following the crowd

  • Setting your boundaries and values

  • If people don’t like you, they’re not worth your friendship or attention

  • Authenticity makes you know yourself, so you instinctively know what you want or don’t want

  • The importance of intuition 

  • Living to your core values and strengths

  • Having the courage to quit, when things aren’t working out

  • Building open and transparent cultures

  • Tips on how to recruit and build teams with a strong feedback culture. Grounded in openness and honesty

  • Understanding everyone’s needs and goals are different. So supporting authenticity within companies is not a one size fits all approach

Weekly Challenge : This week, make at least one decision listening to your gut instinct versus your head.   

Power of Music : Cry to me (acoustic) by Marc Broussard


Dewi’s LinkedIN


#003 : Be the change you want to see. Embrace coaching, wholeness, self-reflection and sticking to your core values


#001: It’s exhausting being one person, never mind two! Confidence, Connections and staying in a growth mindset