#031: We can’t always be great leaders

Today I do another solo show and I'm excited to share insights I've gather both through lived experience as well as through a lot of reading!

What you'll learn:

  1. Understand yourself and your leadership style

  2. Understand the context that a leadership role is in, to predict if this will be a context that works for you and your style

    1. What people you lead need from you

    2. What peers and stakeholders need from you

    3. The context of the company

  3. Don’t be distracted by flashy titles. Be confident to say No to things that aren’t right for you

Own your own leadership workshop

Book recommendation:
Why Should Anyone Be Led by You? What It Takes To Be An Authentic Leader by Robert Goffee, Gareth Jones


#032: Alcohol-Free: Setting the right tone, removing the glamour of alcohol and providing forgiveness and grace


#030: Breaking free of impostor syndrome: Your differences are your strengths.