#032: Alcohol-Free: Setting the right tone, removing the glamour of alcohol and providing forgiveness and grace

This week I spoke to Jen Gilhoi. Jen Is an advocate for and creator of healthy social experiences that decentralise alcohol. Her journey spans two decades of alcohol misuse, eight years of an alcohol-free lifestyle, corporate roles, and entrepreneurial ventures. She shatters stigmas around choosing not to drink by inviting others to engage in self and societal inquiry to heal and be well.

In her life and work, Jen is fascinated with the art of gathering and intentional conversations. She’s an event experience strategist and founder of Sparktrack; a writer and conversationalist cracking open society’s role in addiction at jengilhoi.com; and cofounder of Zero Proof Collective, where business leaders and those interested in the non-alcoholic beverages industry thoughtfully connect, collaborate, and share resources to advance zero-proof options, experiences, and social spaces.

Jen is also a board member of Dissonance, an organisation that promotes mental health and

recovery in and through the arts. 

What you’ll hear about:

  • Addiction and authenticity

  • Setting the right tone to support individuals not drinking alcohol

  • A part of the sobriety journey is missing

  • The need to communicate how highly addictive alcohol is

  • Glamorisation of alcohol needs to change to change its perception in people's minds 

  • The need to normalise alcohol free lifestyles  

  • Be open to exploring your alcohol use

  • Forgiveness and grace within the process

  • Supporting individuals to have positive experiences that can be built upon

  • The tie to alcohol as part of workplace culture

  • Where companies have made progress in creating the right cultural tone

Weekly Challenge : Find your special non-alcoholic beverage and understand the ritual alcohol has in your life 

Power of Music : Willow by Taylor Swift


Article with Marin Nelson around Soberforce - Salesforces workplace community

Jen’s LinkedIN

Jen Gilhoi website

TED x Talk: Sober Not Somber: An Enlightening Way to Evolve Drinking Culture

delivered Oct 29, 2022, and due out soon. 

In the meantime behind the scenes on the process is here:



#033: Book Club 6. Chimps, Psychopaths, Ambition and Resilience


#031: We can’t always be great leaders