#021 : Book Club 4 :  Books on two cities, gaining new perspectives and a sprinkling of business!

With our little break in the show over new year I managed to catch up on a lot of the recommendations from previous guests and I’m ready to start with a new batch of awesome books. 

Today you’ll hear about 4 different books. Three from our last four guests on the podcast : Tara Safaie, Brenda Harrington, Jo Franchetti and Kate Munro.

You’ll have to listen to match the book to the person :) 

What you’ll hear about:

  • Americanah : Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

  • Season of the Witch : David Talbot

  • Out think the competition - How a new generation of strategists see options others ignore: Kaihan Krippendorff 

  • The City We Became : N K Jemisen


#022: Authentic Inaction: Being in choice, authentic contributions and learning to say NO!


#020: Writing Habits: Noticing what’s around you, finding new insights and breaking the mould