#020: Writing Habits: Noticing what’s around you, finding new insights and breaking the mould

This week I share a great conversation I had with Kate Munro. Kate has been in the pharmaceutical industry for a number of years and is now moving into communications with a side-hustle in writing. She recently wrote 3 powerful posts on LinkedIN about her experiences so far with the menopause  

What you’ll hear about:

  • Building a writing habit

  • Taking time to observe what's around you

  • Utilising LinkedIN to bring people into your work

  • Social media engagement formulas

  • The reasons behind not engaging openly with social media content

  • What is original content??

  • Training your brain to think about things in a new way

  • Don’t be narrowly confined by the context your in

  • Showing different reflections of your personality on different platforms

  • Start writing what you notice everyday. It doesn’t need to be shared

Weekly Challenge : Take 7 days to write down 7 observations. What it means to you to observe that,  what insights do you draw from,, what questions does it raise – you don’t have to publish!

Power of Music : Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue and You’re Free by Ultra Nate


Kate’s LinkedIN

Don’t use the M word Part 1

Don’t use the M word Part 2

Don’t use the M word Part 3


#021 : Book Club 4 :  Books on two cities, gaining new perspectives and a sprinkling of business!


#019 : Confidence. Standing up for yourself, the importance of being a mentor and mental health in the Tech industry