• Have you ever had that feeling you’re not being you?

  • That you’re looking at people around you wondering. If I was just a little more like them …..

  • Do you want to build a culture in your team or company where everyone feels included and is recognised for their unique contribution

The Impactful Authenticity Podcast shares the stories, insights, challenges and learnings from a range of different people around these questions.

This is a time to let us recognise that we don’t have to pretend to be a certain person and we can start to get a little more comfortable with who we really are.

To reflect on what makes us individually so special.

No-one is perfect. If we hold ourselves to this standard we will fail. Getting things wrong is what helps us grow and become better people.

Use these precious 30 minutes of the show. To give yourself permission to reflect on who you are.

Each episode has triggered interesting learnings and reflections I’ve taken for myself and I hope it does the same for you.

Lucy x

#006 Dyslexia. Education, politics and the power of vulnerability
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#006 Dyslexia. Education, politics and the power of vulnerability

In this episode we speak to Matt Webster, a senior civil servant working in the UK government's Cabinet Office. Matt was diagnosed with dyslexia at 7 years old. In this episode he openly shares the challenges and opportunities that have arisen over the course of his career including time in Her Majesty's Treasury and No. 10 Downing Street.

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#005 Book Club 1: Childhood memories, colour and taking a look inside
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#005 Book Club 1: Childhood memories, colour and taking a look inside

There is nothing better than finding a book you can’t put down. Curling up with a cup of tea, glass of wine or being squashed on the underground as you delve deeper into a new world.

I asked our first four guests of the podcast: Teresa Graham, Dewi Kuipers, Timm Urschinger and Rebecca Pope to share a book that made an impact on their lives and why.

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#004: The Butterfly Effect. Thinking non-linearly, speaking up and how to bring the best out in others
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#004: The Butterfly Effect. Thinking non-linearly, speaking up and how to bring the best out in others

In this week's episode the lovely Rebecca Pope joins us to share a number of heartwarming insights about the power of family and the importance of having open and respectful conversations to help educate and shine a light on areas we still need to see improvements, such as around equality in STEM and so much more.

Rebecca is the UK digital and data science innovation lead at Roche

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#002 : Being yourself is a choice. Ambition versus intuition, courage and creating feedback cultures
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#002 : Being yourself is a choice. Ambition versus intuition, courage and creating feedback cultures

I spoke to Dewi Kuipers this week, kicking off with some amazing advice her mum gave her as a young girl that’s shaped how she has shown up authentically through-out her life.

Dewi is a HR manager and Gallup certified strengths coach who has broad leadership experience from her work at a variety of global fast growing companies such as OnLogic and West Coast Supply Group.

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