• Have you ever had that feeling you’re not being you?

  • That you’re looking at people around you wondering. If I was just a little more like them …..

  • Do you want to build a culture in your team or company where everyone feels included and is recognised for their unique contribution

The Impactful Authenticity Podcast shares the stories, insights, challenges and learnings from a range of different people around these questions.

This is a time to let us recognise that we don’t have to pretend to be a certain person and we can start to get a little more comfortable with who we really are.

To reflect on what makes us individually so special.

No-one is perfect. If we hold ourselves to this standard we will fail. Getting things wrong is what helps us grow and become better people.

Use these precious 30 minutes of the show. To give yourself permission to reflect on who you are.

Each episode has triggered interesting learnings and reflections I’ve taken for myself and I hope it does the same for you.

Lucy x

#023: Emigration: Finding yourself, loving the news and living in the moment
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#023: Emigration: Finding yourself, loving the news and living in the moment

Emigration: Finding yourself, loving the news and living in the moment

The impact of moving from Ireland to the UK in the late 1980’s

Gaining a new perspective on the place you live

Realisation on who I wanted to be & what I wanted to mean to other people

People’s perception versus reality

Going against the grain on career choice

Being honest with myself

Living in the moment

A love of the news

Authenticity in politics

Importance of giving feedback


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#017 : Cultural Authenticity. The importance of support networks, creating safe spaces and the need for companies to be brave to take a first step forward 
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#017 : Cultural Authenticity. The importance of support networks, creating safe spaces and the need for companies to be brave to take a first step forward 

This week I share a fascinating conversation I had with Tara Safaie right at the end of 2022. Tara is a director, managing the portfolio for IDEOs Health group. She works closely with clients who aim to use design to change their organisation in human centred ways. Tara is also a first generation Iranian-American who speaks openly about the impact the situation in Iran is having on her and how she authentically shows up.

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#014 : Reinventive contribution: Leaving a legacy, being a role model and not being afraid to ask questions
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#014 : Reinventive contribution: Leaving a legacy, being a role model and not being afraid to ask questions

Today I speak to Jacqui Spencer. Jacqui has been working in the healthcare industry for over 30 years and is the founder of Anything is Possible. She shares interesting reflections on how she’s built up confidence to be herself when surrounded by more experienced people, reflections on the three stages of career people tend to follow and the foundations of building strong teams.

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#012: Survivance : Survival, resistance and finding ways to remain true to yourself when life is trying to hold you back 
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#012: Survivance : Survival, resistance and finding ways to remain true to yourself when life is trying to hold you back 

What you’ll hear about:

Why Native Americans are often under-represented in Economics and Teaching

Economics needs to start to speak to a broader range of people

Diversity and inclusion is making progress

How to be myself in a conservative state at a very traditional university

Survivance : Survival & resistance

For businesses to remain relevant they need to keep up with what the next generation are pushing for

We need to practise what we preach

Learning more from your students, than you teach to them

What is power to Native Amercians

We need to keep pushing forward or we’ll get swept back

Pay versus value to society

How to keep going against diversity

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#009 Authenticity practice: What is Authenticity? Authenticity in context and some tips to get your practice going
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#009 Authenticity practice: What is Authenticity? Authenticity in context and some tips to get your practice going

This week I took some advice from my lovely listeners and embarked on a solo show.

What you’ll hear about:

What is authenticity

Examples of authenticity in context and an awareness of conflicts that may arise

4 tips to building your authenticity practice

Getting started on defining your core values

How core values can help you with life choices

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#008 Superpowers : Self-awareness, our contributions and what is “normal”?
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#008 Superpowers : Self-awareness, our contributions and what is “normal”?

After experiencing his second redundancy Carl Emerson decided to set-up his own business InsideOut Solutions. He shares his thoughts on the importance of self-reflection and being able to listen to others and how this can help to unlock our understanding of different views and experiences of the world. Which can shine a lot on what our individual superpowers are. I'm excited to find out mine!

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#007 Life Balance : Your purpose, co-leadership and acting what you want to be
Lucy Rowell Lucy Rowell

#007 Life Balance : Your purpose, co-leadership and acting what you want to be

I had the pleasure to speak to Lara Bezzara this week who after a successful 27 year career in the corporate world has ventured out on her own to build the company Work Coherence. Lara has a deep spiritual connection with the work and impact she is driving in the world. Helping to bring people in harmony within their own lives and recognising the power of happiness within people in enabling companies to be successful.

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